Vi vill komma ihåg några av hans andra album som föregick detta:
The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Vol I.
121 låtar som utgör albumet är följande:
Här är en liten lista med låtar som Samuel Taylor Coleridge skulle kunna välja att sjunga inklusive albumet från vilket varje låt är hämtad:
- Epitaph on Himself
- To a Lady who requested me to Write a Poem upon Nothing
- Epitaph on a Bad Man (Three Versions)
- On the Secrecy of a Certain Lady
- Imitated from Aristophanes
- On the Sickness of a Great Minister
- The Three Sorts of Friends
- There comes from old Avaro's grave
- Translation of the First Strophe of Pindar's Second Olympic
- To a Vain Young Lady
- Epitaph of the Present Year on the Monument of Thomas Fuller
- The Netherlands
- Fragment of an Ode on Napoleon
- On an Amorous Doctor
- On Deputy ——
- Bo-Peep and I Spy—
- On a Reader of His Own Verses
- Each Bond-street buck
- The Taste of the Times
- In Spain, that land
- On Donne's Poem ‘To a Flea'
- Money, I've heard
- Fragments from a Notebook
- Comparative Brevity of Greek and English
- To Mr. Pye
- On a Report of a Minister's Death
- On the Above
- The Wills of the Wisp
- Lines in a German Student's Album
- What is an Epigram
- On a Volunteer Singer
- In vain I praise thee, Zoilus
- Always Audible
- On Mr. Ross, usually Cognominated Nosy
- Epigram on Kepler
- On a Slanderer
- Song, To be Sung by the Lovers of all the noble liquors
- Nonsense Verses
- Over my Cottage
- To my Candle
- Songs of Shepherds, and rustical Roundelays'
- The Proper Unmodified Dochmius
- Fragments
- Napoleon
- A Beck in Winter
- On the Curious Circumstance, That in the German
- An evil spirit's on thee, friend
- If the guilt of all lying
- Iambics
- From me, Aurelia
- There in some darksome shade'
- Charles, grave or merry
- Verses Trivocular
- My Godmother's Beard
- Translation of a Fragment of Heraclitus
- A Simile
- Nonsense Sapphics
- Nonsense ('I wish on earth to sing')
- When Surface talks
- Bob now resolves
- Job's Luck
- On a Late Marriage between an Old Maid and French Petit Maître
- Occasioned by the Last
- To a Well-known Musical Critic
- Epitaph on a Mercenary Miser
- Rufa
- A Metrical Accident
- The Compliment Qualified
- To a Certain Modern Narcissus
- An excellent adage
- On Pitt and Fox
- To One Who Published in Print
- To Baby Bates
- A Plaintive Movement
- Motto for a Transparency
- On an Insignificant
- On Sir Rubicund Naso
- Written in an Album
- A Hint to Premiers and First Consuls
- Once again, sweet Willow, wave thee'
- Scarce any scandal
- So Mr. Baker
- Spots in the Sun
- From an Old German Poet
- Here lies the Devil
- To T. Poole: An Invitation
- Association of Ideas
- Cholera Cured Before-hand
- Trochaics
- Say what you will, Ingenious Youth
- The Bridge Street Committee
- To a Critic
- To a Child
- To Susan Steele
- Authors and Publishers
- To a Proud Parent
- Baron Guelph of Adelstan. A Fragment
- To Edward Irving
- Modern Critics
- An Apology for Spencers
- Old Harpy
- An Experiment for a Metre
- Inscription for a Time-piece
- Pondere non Numero
- Occasioned by the Former
- Of smart pretty Fellows
- For a House-Dog's Collar
- On the Most Veracious Anecdotist
- To be ruled like a Frenchman
- The Alternative
- Profuse Kindness
- To Captain Findlay
- Μωροσοφία, or Wisdom in Folly
- Epitaph on Major Dieman
- Nothing speaks our mind
- Sentimental
- Lines to Thomas Poole
- Nonsense
- Drinking versus Thinking